
Showing posts from June, 2022

Seeking Happiness

The happiest people are the ones not looking for happiness. 

Valley Nordic: An Experiment In Podcasting

Around three years ago, I started a podcast, Valley Nordic , with a Norwegian venture capitalist, Arne Tonning , as an experiment. Arne and I think differently about the the world. He has a Nordic and a venture capitalist perspective on technology companies and I have a silicon valley perspective on business. Hence, the podcast is titled Valley Nordic. We started as an experiment to see if we record our conversations and post them online, would anybody listen. A few days after our first episode was released, we got feedback that we needed topics for our episodes:) In essence, the podcast is a free flowing conversation between Arne and I on business, culture, and technology with our diverse perspectives as they relate to selected topics.  Thanks to our listeners, we published our 100th episode last week.  We looked into 27 companies and we were right about their growth challenges and their valuations. See the complete podcast episodes index:   Episode Title Publish Date S1E1: A New Podc