Business Writing
I have to write frequently for work. My writings include messages, presentation decks, articles, white papers, etc. A simple rule, I found useful, to make my writing more effective is to follow PAMD, which is: 1. P urpose: Why am I writing this document? 2. A udience: Who is the document for? How much do they know about what I am writing? 3. M essage: What is the message I want the audience to get from the document? What is the message I don't want the audience to get from the document? 4. D elivery: How will the document be delivered? In a meeting, via email, or in a solo presentation? PAMD for business writing For example: As a startup CEO, I might be writing a broad deck to be delivered in a board meeting. The purpose is to get buy-in from the board on a new strategy. The audience is all board members, senior executives from the startup, and the general counsel at the board meeting. The message might be that the recommended pivot is the best option to be successful. Star